Sunday, July 18, 2010

Checkup on Summer Gardening (II)

Awhile back I tried some seedlings. It looks like the collards and tomatoes did not do anything. The beans look OK but don't seem to have grown in the last two weeks.

The black containers are the black beans. The green are the queen annes peas. The tomatoes died off. The collards did not seem to go anywhere.

I used fresh potting soil for all the seedlings.

The beans are now in planter boxes.

I planted some bean seed directly into the planters. They seem to be prone to getting eaten. I ended up spraying lightly with malithion. Some of them seem to have gotten through.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Orchid update (and pineapple)

One stalk died, a few leaves yellow, but I think there is some new growth. Basically I have been giving it a rain shower when doing gardening once or twice a week. Also, here is my pineapple. It doesn't look like it is getting larger.

Grafting Attempts

I set up some grafts today. I am trying to get the Gibson's mineola onto one of my trees. I went by and got some cuttings from the Gibson's mineola one of there navel oranges.

I tried the following:
On my tangerine...
6 T buds and two grafts
On my grapefruit...
1 graft
On my orange
1 graft

Most of the it was using the mineola stock. I used plumbers tape for all the grafts. For some, I used some grafting wax.

I am mainly trying to get ONE graft to take. Supposedly, I will need to check the t-buds in 12 days. The other grafts will be checked in 3 weeks.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Checkup on Summer Gardening

So where is my summer gardening right now?

The oregano looks a little junkie. I cut it back a little. The basil is flowering and so I cut the buds off that.

For the seeds I planted, it has been two weeks.

These are the collard and tomato seeds. They finally came up. I am not sure which is which but it looks like they have a fair amount of more growing to do before I transplant.

The peas came in pretty good. Even now, I am getting some new seedlings coming up. I am not sure how high to let them get.

The sweet potatoes seem to be holding there own. I was expecting a little more growth. Both the 1/2 sun and more sun sights look pretty much the same.