Friday, August 6, 2010

Seedling Update

Here's where they are at....9 days later.
The cukes and melons took off. The rest are coming up slowly.
Supposedly, for our region, the seedlings should not be planted until mid-September.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grafting.....0 for 30 something

All the grafts I put down have failed. The stem grafts failed almost immediately. The stems browned within a few days. The T-buds just didn't take.

Here is an example:

My take on the problem is either the buds were not cut right (maybe they need to be thicker).

OR...I think my bud selection is not correct. Some of the docs talk about a bud appearing next to a leaf. I never saw anything like that in the stems I used.

Fertilized the lawn

I sprayed a packet of Miracle Grow on the lawn. It is getting a little sparse. I am not sure what the deal is. The grass seems to be dying intermitten with nice growing grass.

Late Blog from July 28th - Garden Update

Late July 28th update.....

The Mango is ready.

The Beans look like they are growing better from the seedlings.

Late Blog from July 28th - Planting Seedlings

Last week (July 28th) I went and planted some seedlings. I used a packet of stuff from Lowes and my seed from Southern Exposure.

The seeds I planted were from Southern Exposure.

CUCUMBER PICKLING Arkansas Little Leaf H-19
CUCUMBER Marketmore 80
CUCUMBER Marketmore 76
PEPPER, HOT Jalapeno
PEPPER, BELL (SWEET) California Wonder