Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall Planting in the Ground

I planted all the stuff today. I prepped each container with 2 cups garden lime. I also put two cups 10-0-10 fertilizer in a strip on the top of the soil.

In 60 days, (beginning of December) I should have tomatoes and peppers.

My son has planted the lone non-pepper survivors of my seeding experiment. We shall see.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Planting for Fall

Fall plantings are now on the schedule. Where are the seedlings from August?

Here are the results form 8 weeks.

Not too hot. to the Saturday Farmers Market.

From the Farmers Market, I got...
3 Bush Early Girl
3 Bush Beefsteak
3 Husky Red
3 Bush Cucumber
1 Basil

The basil was $2, the rest were $1.

Earlier, from Home Depot, I got:
4 Homestead
4 Big Boy

At this point, I may run out of room with my planters. Also, I need to research a little soil prep for the tomatoes.