Saturday, June 12, 2010

What do I really want to accomplish

To feed my family fully on the bounty of the land. Well....that goal died fairly early on based on my first plantings.

Actually, my first goal was to get rid of the grass in my backyard. This I accomplished with Great White Shark methodical killing efficiency. All it took was my gardening skills. It was funny because only after the grass died did I realize that it was a goal of mine.

Skip ahead three or four years.....

My latest goal is to learn how to grow one useful vegetable a year. The list so far:
1. Tomatoes - My skill is a 6 out of 10. I get varieties from the local farmers market and have varying success. Usually I get some good tomoatoes each season.
2. Peppers - These are easy so I give myself 8 our of 10. I just don't like peppers so the success is blunted.
3. Cucumbers - This years project. My plants start off with a bang but end with wilt, worms, fungus, etc. I did get enough cukes to jar up soome pickes so I call it a 3 out of 10.

Failures: Watermelon , corn, cantelope, onions, squash, etc. Not a single inch of fruit from any of these.

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